

This file is part of the Pinocchio library.

(c) José Nahuel Cuesta Luengo

For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE file that was distributed with this source code.

namespace Pinocchio;

use \Clinner\ValueHolder;

Configuration handler for Pinocchio. Implements a cascading mechanism for configuring Pinocchio. The precedence order is:

  1. Arguments provided.
  2. Configuration file (if any).
  3. Default values.

@author José Nahuel Cuesta Luengo

class Configuration
    const CONFIGURATION_FILENAME = 'pinocchio.json';


Arguments value holder.

@var \Clinner\ValueHolder

    protected $arguments;


Configuration value holder.

@var \Clinner\ValueHolder

    protected $configuration;


Defaults value holder.

@var \Clinner\ValueHolder

    protected $defaults;


Pinocchio array of sources. This attribute acts as a simple cache.

@var array

    protected $sources;



@param array|\Clinner\ValueHolder $arguments (Optional) Arguments for the configuration. If not provided, these will be acquired via getopt().

    public function __construct($arguments = null)
        if (null === $arguments) {
            $arguments = getopt('', array('source:', 'output:', 'silent', 'logger:', 'logger_opts:'));


Nasty workaround for getopt()'s denial to treat correctly flag options o_O

            if (isset($arguments['silent'])) {
                $arguments['silent'] = true;



Get the value for $key.

@param string $key The configuration key.

@return mixed

    public function get($key)
        $value = $this->arguments->get($key);

        if (null === $value) {
            $value = $this->configuration->get($key);

            if (null === $value) {
                $value = $this->defaults->get($key);

        return $value;


Get the source files as an associative array.

@return array

    public function getSourceFiles()
        $sourceFiles = array();
        $ignore = $this->configuration->get('ignore');

        if (is_dir($this->get('source'))) {
            $recursiveIterator = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(
                new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($this->get('source'))

            foreach ($recursiveIterator as $file) {
                if (!$ignore || !preg_match($ignore, $file->getPathname())) {
                    $sourceFiles[$file->getFilename()] = $file->getPathname();

        return $sourceFiles;


Get the set of source Pinocchios that represent the source files for the current instance.

@return array

    public function getSources()
        if (null === $this->sources) {
            $sources = array();

            foreach ($this->getSourceFiles() as $sourcePath) {
                $sources[] = new Pinocchio($sourcePath);

            $this->sources = $sources;

        return $this->sources;


Set the arguments.

@param array|\Clinner\ValueHolder $arguments The new arguments

@return \Pinocchio\Configuration

    public function setArguments($arguments)
        $this->arguments = new ValueHolder($arguments);

        return $this;


Get the default value for the configuration.

@return array

    public function getDefaults()
        return array(
            'source'          => 'src',
            'output'          => 'doc',
            'template'        => __DIR__ . '/templates/template.php',
            'css'             => array(__DIR__ . '/templates/styles.css'),
            'ignore'          => '/^\./',
            'skip_index'      => false,
            'index_template'  => __DIR__ . '/templates/index.php',
            'index_title'     => 'Source files',


Initialize the non-customizable part of the configuration.

@return \Pinocchio\Configuration

    protected function initialize()
        $this->configuration = new ValueHolder($this->loadConfiguration());
        $this->defaults = new ValueHolder($this->getDefaults());

        return $this;


Load the configuration from the file -if any- and return it.

@return array

    protected function loadConfiguration()
        $configuration = null;

        if (file_exists(self::CONFIGURATION_FILENAME)) {
            $configuration = json_decode(file_get_contents(self::CONFIGURATION_FILENAME), true);

        return $configuration ?: array();