

This file is part of the Pinocchio library.

(c) José Nahuel Cuesta Luengo

For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE file that was distributed with this source code.

namespace Pinocchio\Highlighter;

use \Clinner\Command\Command;
use \Guzzle\Http\Client;

Pygments highlighter.

@author José Nahuel Cuesta Luengo

class Pygments implements HighlighterInterface
    const PYGMENTS_BINARY_NAME = 'pygmentize';
    const PYGMENTS_SERVICE_URL = '';


Whether the web service should be used or not.

@var bool

    private $useService;


Constructor. Initializes the state of the instance.

    public function __construct()
        $this->useService = !$this->binaryExists();


Checks the existence of the pygments binary on the target system.

@return bool

    public function binaryExists()
        $binaryExists = Command::create(self::PYGMENTS_BINARY_NAME)
            ->getExitCode() === 0;

        return $binaryExists;


Highlight $code using Pygments, taking into account that it's written in $language. This method returns the HTML snippet for the pygmentized version of $code.

@param string $language The language in which $code is written.

@param string $code The code to highlight.

@return string

    public function highlight($language, $code)
        return $this->useService
            ? $this->runRemotely($language, $code)
            : $this->runLocally($language, $code);


Get an Http Client.

@return \Guzzle\Http\Client

    protected function getHttpClient()
        return new Client();


Pygmentize $code using the remote service available at {self::PYGMENTSSERVICEURL}.

@param string $language The language in which $code is written.

@param string $code The code to pygmentize.

@return string

    protected function runRemotely($language, $code)
        $postBody = array(
            'lang' => $language,
            'code' => $code,

        $response = $this->getHttpClient()
            ->post(self::PYGMENTS_SERVICE_URL, null, $postBody)

        return $response->getBody(true);


Pygmentize $code using a local binary.

@param string $language The language in which $code is written.

@param string $code The code to pygmentize.

@return string

    protected function runLocally($language, $code)
        $args = array(
            '-l' => $language,
            '-f' => 'html',
        $opts = array('delimiter' => ' ');

        $response = Command::create(self::PYGMENTS_BINARY_NAME, $args, $opts)

        return $response;