

This file is part of the Pinocchio library.

(c) José Nahuel Cuesta Luengo nahuelcuestaluengo@gmail.com

For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE file that was distributed with this source code.

namespace Pinocchio\Logger;

Logger Interface.

@author José Nahuel Cuesta Luengo nahuelcuestaluengo@gmail.com

interface LoggerInterface


@param array|\Clinner\ValueHolder $options An optional set of options for the logger.

    function __construct($options = array());


Log an info message. This method should return this object for a fluent interface.

@param string $message The message to log.

@return \Pinocchio\Logger\LoggerInterface

    function log($message);


Log an error message. This method should return this object for a fluent interface.

@param string $message The error message to log.

@return \Pinocchio\Logger\LoggerInterface

    function error($message);