

This file is part of the Pinocchio library.

(c) José Nahuel Cuesta Luengo

For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE file that was distributed with this source code.

namespace Pinocchio;


@author José Nahuel Cuesta Luengo

class Pinocchio

The path to the source file represented by this object.

@var string

    protected $path;


The source code. This attribute acts as a simple cache.

@var string

    protected $source;


Code blocks in the file represented by this object.

@var array

    protected $codeBlocks;


Documentation blocks in the file represented by this object.

@var array

    protected $docBlocks;



@param string $path The path to the source file.

    public function __construct($path)


Set the path to the source file.

@param string $path The path to the source file.

@return \Pinocchio\Pinocchio

@throws \InvalidArgumentException If $path is not a readable file.

    public function setPath($path)
        if (!is_readable($path)) {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The passed path is not readable: ' . $path);

        $this->path = $path;
        $this->source = file_get_contents($path);

        return $this;


Get the path to the source file.

@return string

    public function getPath()
        return $this->path;


Get the source code.

@return string

    public function getSource()
        return $this->source;


Get the code blocks.

@return array

    public function getCodeBlocks()
        return $this->codeBlocks;


Set the code blocks.

@param array $codeBlocks The new code blocks.

@return \Pinocchio\Pinocchio

    public function setCodeBlocks($codeBlocks)
        $this->codeBlocks = $codeBlocks;

        return $this;


Get a code block at a specific offset.

@param int $index The offset to get.

@return string

    public function getCodeBlock($index)
        return isset($this->codeBlocks[$index]) ? $this->codeBlocks[$index] : '';


Get the documentation blocks.

@return array

    public function getDocBlocks()
        return $this->docBlocks;


Get a documentation block at a specific offset.

@param int $index The offset to get.

@return string

    public function getDocBlock($index)
        return isset($this->docBlocks[$index]) ? $this->docBlocks[$index] : '';


Set the documentation blocks.

@param array $docBlocks

@return \Pinocchio\Pinocchio

    public function setDocBlocks($docBlocks)
        $this->docBlocks = $docBlocks;

        return $this;


Add a code block to this object.

@param string $codeBlock The code block to add.

@return \Pinocchio\Pinocchio

    public function addCodeBlock($codeBlock)
        $this->codeBlocks[] = $codeBlock;

        return $this;


Add a documentation block to this object.

@param string $docBlock The documentation block to add.

@return \Pinocchio\Pinocchio

    public function addDocBlock($docBlock)
        $this->docBlocks[] = $docBlock;

        return $this;


Get an SplFileInfo instance representing the file of this object.

@return \SplFileInfo

    public function getFileInformation()
        return new \SplFileInfo($this->getPath());


Get the name for this Pinocchio's output file.

@param string $prefix Prefix to remove from the filename (optional).

@return string

    public function getOutputFilename($prefix = null)
        $fileInfo = $this->getFileInformation();
        $filename = str_replace('/', '_', $fileInfo->getPathname());

        if (null !== $prefix) {
            $filename = substr($filename, strlen($prefix));

        return strtr(ltrim($filename, '_'), array('.' . $fileInfo->getExtension() => '.html'));


Get the title of this Pinocchio.

@return string

    public function getTitle()
        $fileInfo = $this->getFileInformation();

        return $fileInfo->getBasename('.' . $fileInfo->getExtension());