

This file is part of the Pinocchio library.

(c) José Nahuel Cuesta Luengo

For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE file that was distributed with this source code.

namespace Pinocchio;

use \Pinocchio\Parser\Php;

Pinocchio Worker This class is in charge of bootstrapping the process of the source files.

@author José Nahuel Cuesta Luengo

class Worker

Configuration instance.

@var \Pinocchio\Configuration

    protected $configuration;


Logger instance.

@var \Pinocchio\Logger\LoggerInterface

    protected $logger;


Factory method for easy method chaining.

@return Worker

    public static function create()
        return new self;


Constructor. Handles the creation of the output directory, if needed.

    public function __construct()
        $this->configuration = new Configuration();



Process the source files and generate their corresponding output files.

    public function process()
        $logger = $this->getLogger();

        $formatter = $this->createFormatter();
        $parser    = $this->createParser();
        $outputDir = $this->configuration->get('output');
        $sources   = $this->configuration->getSources();
        $count     = count($sources);

        $logger->log("Using {$outputDir} as output directory.\n\n");

        foreach ($sources as $pinocchio) {
            $outputFile = $outputDir . '/' . $pinocchio->getOutputFilename($this->configuration->get('source'));

            $logger->log("Processing {$pinocchio->getTitle()} into {$outputFile}...");

            $formatter->format($parser->parse($pinocchio), $outputFile);

            $logger->log(" Done\n");

        if (!$this->configuration->get('skipIndex')) {
            $logger->log("\nCreating index page at {$outputDir}/index.html.\n");

            $this->createIndexFile($sources, $outputDir);

        $logger->log("\nFinished processing {$count} source files.\n");


Create the index file for the provided $sources.

@param array $sources The set of sources to add to the index.

@param string $outputDir The target output directory.

    public function createIndexFile($sources, $outputDir)

Make the configuration available to the index template

      $configuration = $this->configuration;


      $indexContents = ob_get_clean();

      $outputFile = $outputDir . '/index.html';

      file_put_contents($outputFile, $indexContents);


Create - if needed - the output directory provided by the configuration.

@throws \RuntimeException If the directory cannot be created.

    public function createOutputDir()
        $outputDir = $this->configuration->get('output');

        if (!is_writable($outputDir)) {
            @mkdir($outputDir, 0777, true);

            if (!is_writable($outputDir)) {
                throw new \RuntimeException("Output directory {$outputDir} is not writable.");


Create a Formatter and return it.

@return \Pinocchio\Formatter

    public function createFormatter()
        return new Formatter($this->configuration);


Create a PHP Parser and return it.

@return \Pinocchio\Parser\Php

    public function createParser()
        return new Php;


Get the Logger instance.

@return \Pinocchio\Logger\LoggerInterface

    public function getLogger()
        if ($this->logger === null) {
            if ($this->configuration->get('silent')) {
                $this->logger = new Logger\NullLogger();
            } else {
                $loggerClass = $this->configuration->get('logger') ?: '\\Pinocchio\\Logger\\StandardLogger';
                $loggerOpts  = $this->configuration->get('logger_opts') ?: array();

                $this->logger = new $loggerClass($loggerOpts);

        return $this->logger;